Massively Masculine Online Games: The Endless Cycle of Sexism in Video Games
Courtlyn Pippert (FMA major)
"The negative portrayals of women in video games lead to the mistreatment of female gamers, which causes them to hide their female identities. This, in turn, perpetuates the stereotype that all gamers are male and allows for the creation of more video games with sexist content.."
Film: Eric Langhoff (FMA & Entrepreneurship Major) Discover the power of music and community in this heartfelt story about Old Fogies, a hidden gem located in Bonita Springs, Florida. . . . Written, directed, and edited by Eric Langhoff. An official selection of the Sunscreen Film Festival 2014.
Film: Christian Fernandez (FMA Major)
A man finds something buried on the beach. . . . Written, directed, and edited by Christian Fernandez. An official selection of the Sunscreen Film Festival 2014.
Luke Pacer (ADPR major):
"The use of embedded journalism has created a new partnership between the military and the media that has changed the nature of war journalism forever."
Experimental Film: Untitled Thomas Bigelow (FMA Major)
ADPR Portfolio: Isha McLennan (ADPR Major)
Experimental Film: Day #2162 Travis Misarti (FMA Major) "A man uses a teleportation device to relive day #2162 of his life. However, he soon discovers that there is no future when you live in the past.." The assignment was to create a 3-4 minute experimental film using the theme of amnesia. An official selection for the 2014 Sunscreen Film Festival.
Women's Studies
Objectification and Liberation
Victoria Suslovitch
(BIO major):
An experimental response paper in advanced women's studies, this project intends to show "how the female body has been mistreated and objectified throughout time," while it holds out hope for "absolute equality in the future through strong, educated women."
Image: George Frederick Watts
Eve Tempted, 1897

Photography: Daniel Muñoz (ADPR Major) "This photo was taken during a class lab day out in Tampa Bay. It must have been two summers ago for Intro to Marine Biology. We were out on the BIOS (The UT Bio Lab boat, a converted recreational fishing vessel) and had checked a plankton net we had dragged for awhile. Sadly, all we had was algae and this little fish. In the shot, the fish is on my professor's finger, taken with a Canon T2i and a cheap Tamron telephoto."
"Nightmares of The Twilight Zone"
Interview with Choreographer (right)
and Performance (below)
Katie Kuctha, Choreographer
(ADPR Major, Dance Minor)
"You will experience a movement through time and space with Déjà vu moments of nightmares and how they connect to reality." Dance Happening, Fall 2013.
Community Outreach: Collaboration Seven students helped capture video for a request by the Animal Coalition of Tampa to join the trend of music videos incorporating Pharrell Williams’ song “Happy.” The organization celebrates its eighth year of spaying and neutering 80,000 cats and dogs. Aaron Walker, Assistant Professor of Communication, organized the projects and mentored the student crew.

ART 210 Beginning Digital Arts
Dane McIntosh (COM Major)
Sagittarius Calligram: "At the top of the arrow are positive words used to describe me, while the bottom of the arrow reads the opposite."
HTML Canvas: "If you look carefully, you can see an outline of a bird peacefully in flight; a metaphor for my ability to overcome and maintain bliss."


Obamacare Got Me Back on My Feet
Isha McLennan (ADPR Major)
"In an instant, I shattered my kneecap, completely dislocated it, and tore several ligaments in my knee while dancing. An ambulance took me away, and the news was not good."
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In the Mix
Dan Licata (FMA major)
D.J. Vinnie Diamonds' delusions of grandeur feed his growing ego and X-Man complex, while family and friends plead with him to keep it real. Written, produced, edited and directed by Dan Licata.